styler 1.0.1 is now available on CRAN. It’s mainly a maintenance release and contains bug fixes and speed improvements. The highlights are:

  • styler 1.0.1 requires tibble 1.4.2 which was optimized for speed, so if you have it installed, styler runs ~2x as fast as before.
  • We’re now recognizing and respecting more DSLs used in R comments: rplumber (#*), shebang (#/!) and knitr chunk headers for spinning (#+ / #-).
  • Code chunks in Rmd documents that don’t use the R engine are no longer formatted.
  • Rule adaptations related to changes in the tidyverse style guide and rlang 0.2.0.
  • Removed an annoying implicit dplyr dependency.

For details, you can have a look at the release notes or check out all Pull Requests that were merged into master since the last release, which contains the majority of the bug fixes, as only few were comitted directly to master.

We thank all people who have contributed to this release in one way or another.