Style code according to the tidyverse style guide.

tidyverse_style(scope = "tokens", strict = TRUE, indent_by = 2,
  start_comments_with_one_space = FALSE)



The extent of manipulation. Can range from "none" (least invasive) to "token" (most invasive). See 'Details'. This argument is a vector of length one.


A logical value indicating whether a set of strict or not so strict transformer functions should be returned. Compare the functions returned with or without strict = TRUE. For example, strict = TRUE means force one space e.g. after "," and one line break e.g. after a closing curly brace. strict = FALSE means to set spaces and line breaks to one if there is none and leave the code untouched otherwise. See 'Examples'.


How many spaces of indention should be inserted after operators such as '('.


Whether or not comments should start with only one space (see start_comments_with_space()).


The following options for scope are available.

  • "none": Performs no transformation at all.

  • "spaces": Manipulates spacing between token on the same line.

  • "indention": In addition to "spaces", this option also manipulates the indention level.

  • "line_breaks": In addition to "indention", this option also manipulates line breaks.

  • "tokens": In addition to "line_breaks", this option also manipulates tokens.

As it becomes clear from this description, more invasive operations can only be performed if all less invasive operations are performed too.


style_text("call( 1)", style = tidyverse_style, scope = "spaces")
#> [1] "call(1)"
style_text(c("ab <- 3", "a <-3"), strict = FALSE) # keeps alignment of "<-"
#> [1] "ab <- 3" "a <- 3"
style_text(c("ab <- 3", "a <-3"), strict = TRUE) # drops alignment of "<-"
#> [1] "ab <- 3" "a <- 3"