styler allows you to format .R files, packages or entire R source trees according to a style guide. The following functions can be used for styling:

  • style_text() to style a character vector.

  • style_file() to style a single .R file.

  • style_dir() to style all .R files in a directory.

  • style_pkg() to style the source files of an R package.

  • An RStudio Addin to style the active file .R file and the current package.

See also

Useful links:


style_text("call( 1)")
#> [1] "call(1)"
style_text("1 + 1", strict = FALSE)
#> [1] "1 + 1"
style_text("a%>%b", scope = "spaces")
#> [1] "a %>% b"
style_text("a%>%b; a", scope = "line_breaks")
#> [1] "a %>%" " b; a"
style_text("a%>%b; a", scope = "tokens")
#> [1] "a %>%" " b()" "a"